珍珠岩助滤剂是由精选小粒经矿砂经净化煤气加热,在垂直立窑内选择性膨胀,膨胀经研磨净化获得的一定粒度搭配的粉末状产品,色泽洁白,。产品品种划分的容重、粒级搭配、选择膨胀形成的孔隙直径不同为标准。 本产品与硅澡土等助滤剂相比,具有有害金属、非金属成份少、容重轻、滤速快、过滤效果好等优点。本产品已广泛应用于甘油过滤行业、涂料行业、油漆行业、石油行业等的**过滤生产实践中。化学成份(%): GK-130 SiO275.95 Al2O312.85 Fe2O30.76 CaO0.08 MgO0.56 其它9.83 烧失量1.44 珍珠岩助滤剂与硅藻土相比其使用上有一优点:1. 能吸附滤液中的(甘油、涂料、油墨、油漆等)部分高分子蛋白,更有利于提高滤液的非生物稳定性。2. 可提高过滤速度以及过滤总量。3. 节约20%使用量。产品规格:325目、400目、600目、800目、1250目、1500目、2000目、2500目、3000目等 Perlite filter aid Is approved by ore the selection by small grain purifying gas heating, in vertical shaft kiln in selective expansion, expansion of purification by grinding for a certain particle size of powder products of the collocation, colour and lustre is white,. Products division of bulk density, grade is tie-in, choose expansion form the pore diameter of different standard.This product is compared with the filter aid, such as the silicon bath soil, with less harmful metal and nonmetal ingredient, bulk density, and the advantages of faster, the filtration effect is good.This product has been widely used in glycerin filter industry, coating industry, paint industry, oil industry, such as rapid filter production practice. Chemical composition (%) : GK - 130. SiO275.95 Al2O312.85 Fe2o30.76 CaO0.08 MgO style0.56 other9.83 Ignition loss1.44 Perlite filter aid compared with diatomite have an advantage on its use: 1. The adsorption of the filtrate (glycerin, coating, printing ink, paint, etc.) of macromolecular protein, more conducive to improving the filtrate of non-biological stability. 2. Total can improve the filtering speed and filtering. 3. Save 20% usage. Product specification: 325 mesh, 400 mesh, 400 mesh, 800 mesh, 1250 mesh, 1500 mesh, 2000 mesh, 2000 mesh, 3000 mesh, etc 联系方式:公司名称:广州拓亿贸易有限公司联系人:陈相坤手机:公司电话:020-22829556、22829920传真:020-22360980企业Q 2355354511公司网站 温馨提示:关于付款:1、广东省内支持货到付款;物流/快递可代收货款2、广东省外款到发货3、支持转入支付宝账号支付货款关于下单及发货时间:全国地区当天下午14:00前下单,当天发货(物流/快递)关于提供样品:样品**提供,快递费自付;合作快递公司:顺丰、韵达、全峰、平安达,如有其他快递要求请提前联系! 导购** 产地 河南 SiO2含量≥ 98(%) 密度 2.2-2.4(g/cm3) 硬度 5.5-7 膨胀倍数 20-50 水分含量≤ 1(%) 粒度 325-3000(目) 颜色 黄色